Design Portfolio

Finish Line

Finish Line

Finish Line, Inc. is an American retail chain that sells athletic shoes and related apparel and accessories for brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Jordan and much more. The company operates 900+ retail locations in 47 states. 

I began my role as a freelance digital designer with the responsibility of developing and maintaining assets on the Finish Line website while also crafting targeted retail emails. In this capacity, close collaboration occurred with both my art director and experience team, focusing on the design of emails, website banners, promotions, and all content featured on the Finish Line website.

Given the dynamic and fast-paced nature of B2C design, where content has a brief lifespan on the site, there was a set expectation for the number of design tickets to be addressed each day. The entire design team operated remotely, and as part of our daily routine, there were two art reviews. During these reviews, each team member, myself included, presented our design tickets, providing insights into our deliverables and explaining our design decisions.

Main applications used: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Figma.